What is Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL)
Professional Service Provider
Homewood Human Solutions was retained to manage LCL’s program and remains LCL’s referrals coordinator and administrator for professional counseling services.
How to Access the Program
Client contacts are made directly to Homewood Human Solutions 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for immediate confidential assistance. Clients are generally provided up to five (5) free consultations, unless otherwise approved.
Homewood Human Solutions maintains confidential records, reports by reference only to client numbers and is careful not to reveal any details that might inadvertently identify a specific client.
Funding of LCL is by means of a direct levy on Law Society of Saskatchewan members which is collected by the Law Society of Saskatchewan and directed to LCL. There is no requirement that LCL account or report to the Law Society of Saskatchewan.
Contact LCL
For 24-hour confidential service call:
1 800 663 1142
Coverage provided by Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers